TITLE of Company: Vancouver Opera
Doug Tuck (with Sang Mah and Thecla Schiphorst)
MENTOR contact:
Interactive media in the context of a cultural performance organization

PROJECT or Industry Area GOALS:
VO brings freshness, relevance and a vital, accessible approach to opera, connecting it to people’s real and everyday lives. You can be a VO fan on Facebook or participate in the Opera BLog, and VO wants to continue to play a pioneer role in community engagement, particularly as it embraces new media and new technologies. The project would be developed with students embracing our new media commitment through an exploratory approach to one of the following arenas: community engagement, the children’s opera program, web and/or mobile interfaces that engage the public in our opera and its stories.
VO brings freshness, relevance and a vital, accessible approach to opera, connecting it to people’s real and everyday lives. Established in 1958, VO is one of Vancouver’s forerunners in community and cultural engagement, the second largest opera company in Canada, with an annual budget of $9 million. VO engages 50,000 people annually in the power of story, music and drama through its mainstage productions at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre, and reaches an equal number of young people and their families each year through its touring and education programs – the largest such touring program in Canada. Over the past 6 years, VO has become a leader among arts organizations in community engagement through its award-winning Opera Speaks series of free community forums and its annual broader series of community events, which have engaged thousands of people in connecting opera to their lives. In 2007, VO participated in Muse with its innovative and successful "Singing Posters." It is the mandate of the VO leadership to continue to play a pioneer role in community engagement, particularly as it embraces new media and new technologies.
IMAGE[s] or URLs that exemplify project concept or research area: